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August 22, 2009
This was inspired by an op-ed in today's Boston Globe, about how "voluntarism" was up despite (or maybe because of? When your hours have been cut or you've been laid off, you've got more time to volunteer) the economic hard times.
Trouble is with an awful lot of (very part-time, unpaid) volunteering is that it's aimed at mitigating the damage that's created by other people who are working full-time and often getting paid very well. To me this is like trying to drain the basement and repair the damage while water is still spraying out of a broken pipe. Let's hear more about what these volunteers are doing. And while we're at it, how about an acknowledgment that volunteers alone can't fix the current mess that the bankers, brokers, and their well-bought politicians have got us into, and we aren't going to stop the well-funded Big Insurance/Big Pharma machine that is not only spending big-time to lie about health-care reform, it's also hiring thugs to disrupt the discussion. That old bumper sticker simplified things, but the point is well taken: What if the schools got everything they need, and the military had to hold bake sales to build a bomber?