Susanna J. Sturgis   Martha's Vineyard writer and editor
writer editor born-again horse girl

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Rainy Friday

August 10, 2007

It's been rain rain and raining pretty much all day, a soaking rain that we've desperately needed. I've had rain rippling sixteenth notes out my west-facing window while it beats a slower, syncopated measure on the deck railing.

The only bad thing about the rain is that I had to go into Vineyard Haven -- in summer you make your town excursions on good beach days because then the traffic is semi-bearable. I had a couple of things to do that of course I couldn't manage to get done while the sun was shining and the air was so saturated with humidity that it pressed the skin at about 75 pounds per square inch. I've been running around all day getting ready to be gone for about 36 hours. Sheesh. No wonder I never go off-island: it's a fooking pain in the tush.

So I went to the West Tiz post office (hadn't picked up mail since Monday) and the bank (cashed a check for $40 -- in addition to being a PITA, going off-island is expensive), then headed into town. Found a parking place near the Church Street tennis courts: good sign. Left Rhodry snoozing on the front seat and headed for Mardell's to get a battery for the little trophy clock that Allie and I won our first year showing. It's turned out to be very handy when I'm editing or proofreading in my purple easy chair, which is to say when the job of the moment is on paper. After nearly two months of on-screen copyediting, I've got an on-paper proofread, and I need to keep track of my hours. We won't go into my two useless watches: one of them keeps good time but the stem broke off so I can't set it; the other one has its stem but the hands only move forward when it's facedown on the table, and sometimes not even then. I finally admitted that they're both useless and not worth fixing and I pitched them into the wastebasket.

Teeny battery tucked into my wallet, I walked down to the Steamship Authority to buy my bus ticket. I always buy my bus ticket at least a day in advance. No good idea why. Probably it's just one less thing to worry about when I'm rushing to make the damn boat. The town parking lot widely known as "the A&P lot" even though the supermarket is now Stop & Stop was redone earlier this year, and though I've been through town quite a few times since then I hadn't been through the revised lot. Cars were doing three- and five-point turns to get in and out of spaces they barely fit in. Pedestrians, including me, stepped lively.

Bus ticket also tucked into wallet, I headed to the Black Dog Bakery, which like the parking lot I hadn't visited in a while. Every time I go in there the T-shirts and other Dog paraphernalia take up more space and the baked goods take up less. This trip was no exception. The good news is that the ginger cookies are still up to snuff.

I strolled back to the tennis courts and we made it out of town without much trouble, right turn into State Road, left turn into the Edgartown-Vineyard Haven Road and on to the barn. About half the contents of the grain room were in the center aisle: Ginny was taking advantage of the all-day rain to do some much needed heavy cleaning. I sloshed through the mud doing other stuff.

I haven't packed yet, or decided what I want to wear to the reading, but I'm ready (more or less) and I'm psyched.


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