Susanna J. Sturgis   Martha's Vineyard writer and editor
writer editor born-again horse girl

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July License Plate Report

July 31, 2008

Just one: Kansas.

Kansas enters the list at #41 -- later than usual. Since I count D.C., that means there are 10 plates/states to go. In ascending order of difficulty (based on previous experience), they are Arizona, Montana, Kentucky, Wyoming, Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, West Virginia, Mississippi, and (you guessed it) North Dakota.

The end of July / beginning of August is traditional changeover on Martha's Vineyard, when the July people leave and the August people arrive. Is the changeover still a big deal? It seems more people come for one or two weeks than for a whole month. August people are supposedly richer and more influential than July people, and it's true the big-bucks benefits, like the Possible Dreams auction, happen in August. When August 1 rolls around, the annual Ag Society fair, which takes place the third week in August, looms on the horizon, and once the fair is over, September is close at hand. Whew.

I moved to Martha's Vineyard on changeover weekend 1985. "Moved" isn't quite right; I told myself I was maybe taking a year off, we'd see how it went, etc., etc. Truth to tell, I didn't know what the hell I was doing. I thought I was coming here to work on my novel. That novel still isn't done, but the first one will be out this October. That's something. Happy 23rd anniversary to Martha's Vineyard and me.


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