Susanna J. Sturgis   Martha's Vineyard writer and editor
writer editor born-again horse girl

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I Went a Different Way! (by Rhodry)

February 04, 2008

Susanna said, "Allie and I are going for a long ride. You better stay here, Rhodry." I said, RRR-rrrr-RR-rrr-RR! I want a cookie! Susanna gave me two cookies. Then Ginny let me out and I waited for Susanna and Allie. They came back soon. I was a happy puppy!

Susanna and I went home. Allie does not live at our house so she did not come. After I ate my supper, Susanna came out and got in the truck. It was dark! Susanna said, "I am going to a party, Rhodry." I said, Rrr-RRRRR! I want to come too! Susanna forgot to open my door! She drove away. I trotted after the truck and the truck stopped. Susanna said, "I am not going to Tillo's house. There are no puppies at this party. Stay and guard the house, Rhodry." I was a sad puppy but then my friends Willa and Ava came and I was not sad anymore.

Yesterday I went with Allie and Susanna, then I went by myself. Susanna called, "Rhodry! Rhodry! Where are you, Rhodry?" I know where I am! I went to Keith's house and then I went to Nina's house and then I went to Allie's house. Susanna said, "Where were you, Rhodry? You smell like fish guts!" I do not know what that means! I smell like a Malamutt!

Your friend,



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