Susanna J. Sturgis   Martha's Vineyard writer and editor
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Patriarchy Makes You Stupid

February 23, 2009

This was the Quotation of the Day in the e-digest sent out by the New York Times:

"If we give the money to the widows, they will spend it unwisely because they are uneducated and they don't know about budgeting. But if we find her a husband, there will be a person in charge of her and her children for the rest of their lives."

MAZIN al-SHIHAN, director of a city agency in Baghdad, on his plan to pay men to marry Iraqi war widows.

Not to make light of a desperate situation, but Mr. al-Shihan's faith in education and the male ability to budget is up against all the evidence, like the ongoing global economic meltdown. On the whole, I suspect the Iraqi women would have done a better job of managing the U.S. financial system. They probably wouldn't have invaded their own country either.

You can read the whole story here.


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