Susanna J. Sturgis   Martha's Vineyard writer and editor
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Quicken Slowdown

August 01, 2008

Paying the rent was going to send my checking account into double digits; one check is due in early next week and another the week after, so the situation isn't quite as dire as it sounds, but when the account gets that close to zero I like to check my addition and subtraction and make sure I haven't slipped into negative numbers. Good thing, too: I found a hundred-dollar adding mistake made on the fly. I keep a (messy) register in my checkbook, but I also keep the whole thing in Quicken. To my dismay I hadn't entered anything in Quicken since the week before I left for Canandaigua to meet my new puppy.

For reasons opaque even to myself, I've been using Quicken 2000 since about, well, 2000. I've had Quicken 2006 on my shelf ever since Morgana V arrived. Why hadn't I upgraded? I'm an "if it ain't broke, don't mess with it" kind of gal; Quicken 2000 worked fine, so why should I upgrade? Well, a reason has been coalescing: Quicken 2000 will only back up to floppy disks, and the A: drive I had installed on Morgana V has been a little funky since day one. Lately it's been getting funkier. Previously OK floppies turn out to be unreadable, etc. Whether it's the drive or the diskettes, who knows and who cares? They're all long since obsolete.

So after entering transactions made since the middle of April, I tried to back up my data. One backup diskette funked out. I found another but knew in my heart: It was time to upgrade. Which I did. The upgrade went fine, though it was several panicky minutes before I found my data: Quicken 2006 doesn't believe in "checking accounts"; what I was looking for was a "cash-flow account" or something like that. When I did find my data, for some reason the latest entry was from mid-May. I tried to restore the backed-up files from the floppy diskettes. No dice: Morgana V told me that one diskette was unreadable and the other one was unformatted. Right. I re-entered all the the transactions from mid-May to August 1. Then I went to the bank and used a little savings to pad my checking account so my rent check wouldn't bounce.

My checkbook data is now backed up on a flashy CD-ROM. The rent is paid. Maybe I should reconcile the three months' worth of statements that are sitting on top of Travvy's crate? Maybe I should get back to work.


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