Susanna J. Sturgis   Martha's Vineyard writer and editor
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House Reading

April 09, 2009

Did a Mud house reading tonight in Oak Bluffs, at Wendy and Alex's house. It was great. I read a bit, people commented and asked questions, I answered and asked questions, then we all adjourned to the dining room for ice cream and continued the conversation around the dining table. Several people didn't make it because of a competing meeting on a formerly hot but nearly settled issue (the Bradley Square affordable housing project), but it was a good group.

These house readings are definitely the way to go. People love talking about the island, and we don't get all that many opportunities to do it with a mix of people who've been here different lengths of time (including "forever") and have a wide range of experiences and perspectives. How to get more gigs? I'm going to put out more flyers, and maybe tack some bumper stickers up on public bulletin boards. If people swipe 'em, so much the better; I've got more.

Hell, maybe I'll even go to town meeting on Tuesday and pass some out.


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