Susanna J. Sturgis   Martha's Vineyard writer and editor
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Lemon Bread

September 20, 2007

A friend invited me over to dinner Sunday night, and as per custom I planned to bring some bread to the table. I'd long been tempted by a lemon quick bread in one of my favorite bread books, I had fresh lemons in the refrigerator -- no-brainer, right?

Right, but not in the sense intended. Any baker with a brain knows it's risky to trust a new recipe when there's something at stake. I've got away with it before, but not this time. The method wasn't one I use often, and I didn't like the feel of the batter that resulted, but I baked it anyway. Oy. In a word, it was heavy. I considered calling the author of the bread book and asking, "Hey, what gives with this recipe?" Then I remembered he was dead. Fortunately my bread wasn't the main course; it wasn't even on the menu. I went empty-handed and had a good time anyway.

The failed bread did have one redeeming quality: a wonderfully lemony smell. That was enough to make me try again, which I did today. Not with the same recipe, mind you. What I did was turn my tried-and-true cranberry bread into a lemon poppyseed bread. It's so good I might take it in the fair next year. Here 'tis.

Sift together in a large bowl:

2 cups unbleached white flour
1 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
2/3 cup white sugar

Toss in a handful or two of poppyseeds.

Grate as much peel as you can off two lemons and add to bowl.

Add two beaten eggs.

Juice the two lemons and add enough water to make one cup. Add to bowl. (My two lemons made about half a cup of juice. Next time I'm going to try three lemons. If that works, I'll go for four.)

Stir till well mixed.

Pour into buttered and floured 8 by 4 by 2 loaf pan.

Bake at 350 degrees for about an hour, or until done.

It's really good. Trust me. But if you intend to take it to a potluck or impress the hell out of your supper guests -- test it first, just to be on the safe side.


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