Susanna J. Sturgis   Martha's Vineyard writer and editor
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Early Time Change

March 14, 2007

Don' like it.

Yeah, I know that Daylight Time is relative, and I do remember when we sprang forward at the end of April rather than the beginning, but spranging in early April suited me fine. I wake up with the sun, and waking up around 6:30, give or take, works for me. In the ancien régime, long about the end of March I'd be waking up closer to 5:30 and start thinking "Time to spring forward -- I want to sleep longer."

We sprang early, and now I'm waking up after 7. Don' like it. Don' like it atall.

What I really can't stand is the disk jockeys et al. who say we've "gained an hour of daylight." Idjits. The day is just as long as it was before the change. Well, no, that's not quite true: it's a few minutes longer, but that has to do with the earth and the sun, phenomena more cosmic than resetting a clock. City slickers think we've gained an hour of daylight because either they sleep in or they don't have jobs that require them to be awake; in other words they don't have to wake up before they go to work so they have no idea the sun is rising in the sky when their alarm goes off.

Damned if I know what the congresscritters had in mind when they passed the change, and I sure hope you won't tell me because some things I'd rather not know.


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