Susanna J. Sturgis   Martha's Vineyard writer and editor
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My Poor Puppy

August 27, 2006

Summer is not Rhodry's favorite season -- it's not mine either, but at least I don't have to go through it in my winter heavies -- and as summers go, this one has been especially trying for my Malamutt roommate. July's stretch of above-90-degree days broke records. It's been, according to several news reports, a particularly nasty one for allergies. Since puppyhood Rhodry has sneezed his way through oak pollen season, but this year's bout continued well into July and seemed worse than usual. After one 24-hour period when Rhodry the Gregarious was too lethargic to greet his cookie-bearing friends, I took him to see Michelle, his vet. Rhodry's symptoms suggested several possibilities, none conclusively, so Michelle ran tests. He didn't have Lyme disease. A tumor was unlikely. He might have an underactive thyroid, though the presence of another infection could skew the results. We decided to treat with antibiotics and antihistamine and to rerun the thyroid test at the end of September.

Improvement was immediate. Breathing was much easier, and snot no longer dangled from his nostrils. Whew. Rhodry's been doing very well for his age, but I can't quite forget that his age is 11 1/2 or suppress the fear that any sign of decline is the Beginning of the End.

Early this past week, though, the congestion returned, accompanied by a raspy panting that hadn't been present before. Thursday morning I called Michelle and described the symptoms. She asked what I wanted to do. I want you to tell me what to do! I thought. We made an appointment for 9:45 the next morning. Good thing: his temperature was over 105, which isn't as bad as 105 for a human but isn't good either. Michelle tested for ehrlichia, another tick-borne disease. Rhodry tested positive. Rhodry is back on doxycycline, the four-week course this time, with antihistamines to be given as needed.

By Saturday he was feeling much better, scampering around the yard squeaking his favorite toy (a stuffed multicolored cow) and coming along with Allie and me on a short trail ride. Saturday afternoon I bought two thermometers, one for Rhodry and one for me. (Rhodry and I share cheese, popcorn, carrots, and Doritos, but using the same thermometer seemed a bit much.) This morning I tried to take his temperature. He sat down. I tried again. 101.7: much better than 105+. I'm resisting the temptation to take my own temp, just to see what it is. Next thing you know I'll be buying a bathroom scale and a blood-pressure cuff; if you ask me how I feel, I'll say, "How do I know until I take my temperature, weigh myself, and see how my blood pressure's doing?"

For now my 11 1/2-year-old puppy's feeling better, and that makes me feel very relieved.


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