Susanna J. Sturgis   Martha's Vineyard writer and editor
writer editor born-again horse girl

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The Blacksmith Came! (by Rhodry)

October 07, 2006

The blacksmith came today! The blacksmith has two people friends and one dog friend. The people help him work. The dog is little. His name is Harley. Susanna gave him a cookie and now Harley likes Susanna.

The blacksmith makes shoes for the horses. They are not like people shoes. They are very hard. The blacksmith nails them on and the horses cannot take them off. Sometimes they come off by mistake and the blacksmith has to come back and put them on again. When he fixes the horses' feet, pieces fall on the floor. I like to chew on them! They taste like cow toes but they are not so hard. Chamois likes them too. Susanna says, "Watch out, Rhodry! You will get stepped on!" I do not get stepped on!

Today Kodiak got new shoes. Kodiak is new. He is big and he has very big feet! He is black and his feet are white. I was drinking water and he leaned down his head and said Wsshhhh! I said RrrrrRRFF!

Kodiak has a girl named Nina and a dog named Tilly. Tilly is not the same as my friend Tillo. Harley is a little dog but Tilly is a big puppy. She likes to run and play. When she plays too much I say RRrrRFF! and she stops. Tilly is the same color as Kodiak. I am not the same color as Allie! Most horses wear shoes but Allie does not. I do not either. I do not want nails in my feet!

Your friend,



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