Susanna J. Sturgis   Martha's Vineyard writer and editor
writer editor born-again horse girl

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Father's Day

June 21, 2009

My neighbor asked if this was my first Father's Day without my dad, and I said yeah, but we didn't do much with Father's Day in my family, or Mother's Day either. My father's general feeling was that the two "holidays" were dreamed up by Hallmark Cards and other companies in order to sell more stuff. I adopted that perspective pretty much uncritically, but after walking around it a few times in later life I still suspect it's true. What my mother thought of it I don't remember and maybe never knew. She mostly went along with my father when she was sober; when she was drunk, the story was entirely different, but not the whole truth either.

Travvy, however, being a good son that he is, sent his dad, Masasyu's Here Comes Trouble, a Father's Day greeting. Here it is.

Hi, Papa Trouble! It's your son Travvy. I am almost 16 months old! Sometimes Susanna says I have a Trouble face. Other times she says I have a Mayhem face. She thinks I have two faces! Sometimes humans are strange but Susanna is OK. She is going to send Mama Lori a bag of my fur. I am not ALL done blowing my coat but the other day I got skunked and after that the fur didn't smell too good because Susanna washed me with some stinky stuff. So Susanna does not put any more fur in the bag. After my fur came out, Susanna said, "You are not as big as I thought!" I said, "I am too skinny! You should give me more food!" She gave me a little more food but not very much. Maybe someday I will be as big as you!

We went to Rally class. That was fun! I got to see other dogs and get lots of treats. Now we go practice with teacher Karen and some of our friends.

I like to go for rides with Allie and Susanna even though it is hard work. Allie has long legs! She almost stepped on me because I tried to go through her legs to chase a rabbit. Susanna said I shouldn't do that, but I forgot.

I hope you are doing well and that it is not too hot where you are.




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