Susanna J. Sturgis   Martha's Vineyard writer and editor
writer editor born-again horse girl

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Changes of Life

January 17, 2006

Don't Faint, Ms. Tax Lady

I mailed my fourth-quarterly estimated tax payments today, one to the feds, one to the state. This may not sound like a big deal -- a few million other people probably did the same -- but I can't remember the last time I managed to scrape together a fourth-quarterly payment, never mind get it in approximately on time. OK, so my third-quarterly check to the feds (due September 15) didn't get written till just before Christmas, but it didn't bounce, did it? This means I will not have to fork over much when I file my 2005 returns. Maybe this year I will complete them before April 15? Naaah . . .

There's More to Life than Chocolate

Lately I've been taking the long way to the post office a couple of times a week so I can pick up a slice of pepperoni pizza at Back Alley's. Last week the oatmeal raisin cookies caught my attention and wouldn't let go. I bought, I ate; I nearly drove off the road. Who would have thought that a recreational substance with no chocolate in it could inspire such ecstasy? To prove it was just a fluke, I got another one today. The counter lady confided that they were very recently baked; she'd just wrapped each one in plastic (required by the board of health, which doesn't want cookie buyers to get cooties). Again I ate; again it was good. Could it be that dessert without chocolate is like a fish without a bicycle? Next thing you know, I'll be adopting a cat.

It Ain't Over Till It's Over

I was actually beginning to hope that my period had come to a full stop and maybe it was time to make a ceremonial bonfire of my remaining tampons. No such luck: it's back. True, my hope was pure wishful thinking, but hey, I'm 54 and I'm entirely ready to declare my independence from Tampax Inc. On the other hand, if menopause means losing interest in chocolate and paying my taxes on time, I don't mind being periodical for a little while longer.


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