Susanna J. Sturgis   Martha's Vineyard writer and editor
writer editor born-again horse girl

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March 09, 2007

This morning I took the laundry down to the airport laundromat -- don't have access to a washer here. Took about an hour. The washing machine in the basement of my old place rearranged stains and introduced new ones about as often as it made them go away, but I'm not complaining because it was pretty clearly staying alive for my sake. Now the genuinely clean wash (mostly underwear, longjohns, socks, jeans, and a couple of turtlenecks -- when it's really cold I don't change the outer layers all that often) is out on the deck, on a drying rack I bought yesterday at Shirley's. (Along with, among other things, a dish pan -- I've got a sink that's big enough for a dish pan!) I don't mind laundromats: they're good hanging-out places, like the post office.

I had to buy laundry soap from the automatic dispenser because the big plastic bottle I'd left in the truck was frozen solid. There was a sign on the chalkboard about Horse Wash. $25 for a turnout blanket, $20 for a stable blanket, saddle blankets $10 each, etc. Full service only. Uh-oh. I'll have to bury my saddle blankets under my jeans and sneak them into a self-service machine.

Speaking of my deck -- Rhodry loves snoozing out there, even when it's 20 degrees out, like now. Tuesday I started serious cleaning at the old place. I went to tie Rhodry to his old rope. His collar was gone. Rhodry's coat is so thick, especially around the ruff, that you rarely see his collar. What made this noteworthy is that I hadn't noticed and still have no idea where or how he lost it. At the old place, I put a leash on him when we went for a walk and tied him up when he was outside alone. I would have noticed a lot sooner that his collar was gone. He's got a new hot pink one from SBS, but his tags are on the old one so if you see a purple web collar with a Tisbury license and a rabies tag from Dr. Jasny's office, e-mail or call. No reward.

Wireless Internet access!! Unbelievable. My phone was connected a week ago Wednesday, and of course I immediately logged on. Imagine my surprise: maximum connect speed of 26.4 Kbps. Getting set up with wireless (which is included in the rent) zoomed to the top of the priority list. Blake from Eagle Eye Services stopped in Friday morning on his way to Chilmark and in less than 10 minutes had sold me an adapter, plugged it into one of Morgana V's USB ports, and configured my access. Adapter and visit cost $96.50. Maybe that's a lot of money to spend in 10 minutes, but as someone who does about 95% of her own tech support I can testify: sometimes it's really nice not to have to do your own research, order your own parts, and figure out how it works. Earlier this week I switched over my e-mail accounts.

Yes, this is wonderful for work-related fact-checking, correspondence, etc., but what's really cool is that now I can watch little videos like the one of George Takei commenting on that homophobic basketball player. Very funny. (It's on the AlterNet site if you haven't seen it.)

Also it's easier to monitor AuctionMV on the M.V. Times website. I've been bidding on offerings from all the houseware shops, and yesterday I scored a $50 gift certificate to Rainy Day for $33. I'm thinking it would be nice to have four dinner plates that matched and maybe some spice and herb jars that didn't start life as mustard or salsa jars.

My drive from home to the barn is longer -- almost exactly 8.2 miles whether I go via the Edgartown road or State Road -- but the reason it seems like I've spent the last week on the road is that I've made so many trips through Vineyard Haven to get miscellaneous stuff out of the old place.

Yesterday I made a serious dump run. Got rid of an old scanner that didn't work (it survived a fall onto the Edgartown-Vineyard Haven road during my 2002 move, then died inexplicably two and a half years later, probably of PTSD) and an even older printer that did. I hesitated over that one, but really, do I or anyone else need the trusty Epson dot-matrix I bought in 1985? or ten spare ribbons? The hotplate still worked, but I didn't want to clean it or store it -- and it's amazing how much faster water boils and oatmeal cooks on my stove.

One more thing. On a sunny day I can work inside without turning any lights on. There's that much natural light, through the skylights and the windows. The downside of all that light is that now I can see how dingy (that's a polite word for "dirty") some of my possessions are. But still -- wow.


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