Susanna J. Sturgis   Martha's Vineyard writer and editor
writer editor born-again horse girl

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Small Victories

September 19, 2009

This cleaning jag is drawing to a close, but yesterday I gave Uhura Mazda the bath she desperately needed. I do occasionally feel guilty that I am shortening her life by not washing her enough, but other times I don't really believe I am shortening her life by not washing her enough, so them's the breaks. Today she is clean. She gleams in the sun, with only a few dings, scratches, and rust spots to indicate that she will hit 100K miles within the next six months. Unless I give up driving and start getting around by bicycle, horse & carriage, or dog sled. Hah. When pigs fly!

Thursday night I came home to a message from Edgartown Books. Mud of the Place was "flying off the shelves" -- could I bring them a dozen more ASAP? I could. I delivered them around 11 Friday morning, then dropped into the Vineyard Gazette office to place some more ads. I placed ads in both the Gazette and the Martha's Vineyard Times during the (short) presidential visit in late August. The ads were pretty big and pretty expensive, but I think they're having an effect. Traffic to the Mudsite is up. Edgartown Books sold half a dozen copies in 10 days. And . . .

Today I stopped by Alley's General Store in West Tisbury to speak with Rhonda, who handles consignment sales. Yesterday when I stopped by to buy borax, I looked and looked but couldn't find any Mud on the shelves. Maybe they needed more? Maybe I had some $$$ coming? Sho' nuff. Now I've got a check for $72 and they want the four copies I've got left in stock. Good thing I ordered another carton from the printer yesterday.

Today I also made ratatouille. I have been meaning to make ratatouille for about two weeks. During that time the eggplant went squushy on me (is that how you spell "squushy"?), one of the green peppers likewise, and I had to cut the ends off one of the two zucchini. This is why I hate fresh fruits and vegetables: if you don't adhere to their schedule, they go bad on you. Frozen fruits and vegetables don't do this. There is nothing like a rotting eggplant in your vegetable crisper to make you feel like a worthless person.

The weather has been gloriously sunny, dry, and warm enough for T-shirts but cool enough to keep a long-sleeve shirt handy. Travvy came out with Allie and me yesterday. We had several confrontations and near-confrontations with dirt bikers that left me fuming, but Travvy and Allie were great.

This morning I got back to work on my "Why we need an independent feminist movement" essay. My draft is more coherent than I remembered. I think I know where it's going.

Life is good.


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