Susanna J. Sturgis   Martha's Vineyard writer and editor
writer editor born-again horse girl

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I Went Off-Island!

March 17, 2008

I was off-island for almost three days, Thursday through Saturday. Stayed with my sister's family, saw Janis Ian in concert (after dinner with a friend and a bunch of friend's friends, all denizens of Janis's message board) on Friday night and then my niece Rozzie in a middle school production of Fiddler on the Roof on Saturday afternoon. In most middle school musicals I've seen over the years, there are several standouts in the cast and a large number of kids who aren't sure what they're doing on the stage, but this Fiddler was remarkably solid. Even in the crowd scenes, of which there were several, no one looked lost or bored. Roz was a formidable Fruma Sarah. Even her parents didn't recognize her at first on opening night.

Fiddler was also remarkable because all four Sturgis siblings were in the same place at the same time. Here's proof:

That's John, me, and Roger in the back row, Roz and Ellen in the front. Roz's brother Jacob took the picture.

I headed south immediately after the show and managed to hit the Burger King in Falmouth before rolling into Woods Hole well in time for the 7:30 boat. Yum. I guess it's a good thing there are no fast-food restaurants on Martha's Vineyard, because if there were I would scarf down far more Whoppers, fried chicken, Eggs McMuffin, and french fries than are good for me. Or maybe I wouldn't. Living on Martha's Vineyard limits my options in various ways -- Thursday I bought liquor at Kappy's (Kahlúa was on sale, and the big bottle I walked out with would have seemed a huge extravagance if purchased in Oak Bluffs), and contact lens cleaner at CVS, then I wandered through the Christmas Tree Shop in search of a laundry-drying rack to replace my broken one. No drying racks, just aisle after aisle of stuff I barely knew existed and would probably come to need desperately if I saw it more often. No Christmas Tree Shops on Martha's Vineyard; no Wal-Marts or Home Depots either. I can't exactly feel virtuous for never having shopped at Wal-Mart when I've never been within hailing distance of a Wal-Mart door, but one thing I still like about living on Martha's Vineyard is the nearly complete absence of chain stores.

I returned home to a phone message from the MSPCA shelter: a dog at the shelter had tested positive for "a virus," and though the situation was "under control" no animals would be allowed to leave the premises till next weekend. So Rocky's home visit has been postponed -- just as well, because it's shaping up to be a pretty demanding week.


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