Susanna J. Sturgis   Martha's Vineyard writer and editor
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February 02, 2007

I'm here to report that Rhodry Malamutt did not see his shadow this morning. Rhodry Malamutt hasn't woken up yet, and the reason he hasn't woken up yet is that there are no shadows to be seen. When it's gloomy out, Rhodry sleeps in. Raindrops are hanging along the bare branches outside my window.

Six more weeks of winter, people, at least if you live on Martha's Vineyard. However, since winter only reached these parts about three weeks ago, I think we can manage.

For those who follow the pagan wheel of the year, it's Imbolc, the crossquarter day that celebrates light returning. From the We'Moon 2007 calendar:

Earth Mother begins to stir from Winter's sleep, as the sunlight grows stronger with each passing day. The first signs of renewal appear. Seeds that have been resting in the earth crack their casings and send out a root, initiating the discovery of individuation. Hope and faith sustained through the cold and dark have turned to certainty. . . . What is stirring inside you that seeks to grow, and how will you nurture this growth?

Ruth Barrett © 2004

Squatters' Speakeasy is stirring inside me, and in my notebook, and in Morgana V. It's shaping up to be a tumultuous spring, but the craft is seaworthy. We're up to it!

Later: Rhodry reminds me that if he did see his shadow, then we have six more weeks of winter: "I did not get up so I did not see my shadow. I am a good puppy!" My apologies. This sun = more winter, overcast = spring thing has never made any sense to me, so I screw it up every other year. Weather Underground says that the temperatures next week are going to be hanging around in the teens and low twenties. How very springlike. I'm pleased to report, though, that Weather Underground finally used the word "cold" in one of the daily forecasts. I was beginning to fear "cold" had been banished from the weather vocabulary, leading to such understatements as "cooler; highs in the teens, winds 20-30 mph." Sure, "cooler" is relative, but I still think it should be saved for temps above freezing.


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