Susanna J. Sturgis   Martha's Vineyard writer and editor
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December 24, 2007

So the other day I finally got around to reconciling seven months' worth of bank statements (bad bad bad), and what to my wondering eyes should appear but an entry for a check that I'd long since voided in Quicken, mainly because it was written in August 2000. My understanding is that checks go out of commission a year after they're written -- or maybe it's six months? Whatever: the Queen of Elfland may have kept Thomas the Rhymer for seven years, but that's way too long for a mere mortal to hold on to a check.

"Mere mortal" wasn't the half of it. The check was a small contribution toward the expense of possibly moving an e-list related to Morgan horses from a free (ad-subsidized) service to one that cost money but was ad-free. The list never made the move, and in any case I was kicked off it years ago by the twit moderator, who'd been told by a snake-in-the-grass crony of hers that I'd dissed her on another list. The payee of the check in question was that very same twit moderator. In other words, if there was any way to get my money out of her account, I was going to pursue it.

So I marched down to my bank and explained the situation to a customer service person, while Rhodry woo-wooed up a storm and panhandled cookies from the tellers. Two business days later I had a memo from the bank in my p.o. box: my account had been credited for the full amount of the check. Mind you, "the full amount of the check" was seven dollars and fifty cents, but I'd still love to be there when the twit gets a similar memo from her bank and learns that her account has been debited for $7.50.

Nyah-nyah, nyah-nyah . . .


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