Susanna J. Sturgis   Martha's Vineyard writer and editor
writer editor born-again horse girl

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Chair Gone

March 24, 2007

See, when I moved into my last place I bought a bunch of stuff for pretty cheap from the family of the previous tenant. It all served me well, and some of it -- notably the microwave and the toaster oven -- has moved with me to the new place, but some of it I just didn't need. Getting rid of a couple of surplus end tables took no time, but the chair I did most of my on-paper editing in for four and a half years -- my Bargain Box ad for "free easy chair" found no takers. One guy came to see it, sat in it, and said his wife would leave him if he brought it home. I'd described the chair as "sorta ugly" and "homely," but this seemed excessive. On the other hand, this is not a chair that I'd endanger a long-term relationship for.

Another guy called, seemed interested, but didn't call back the next day to set up a time to see it. The chair was the only thing holding me to my old address, the only reason I still had the front-door key on my key chain and the basement key in my hip pocket. I was on the verge of taking it to the Tisbury dump and disposing of it for $12.

Late this morning yet another guy called. Did I still have the chair? I did. Where was I located? I explained the logistics and said I'd be there at 12:30. I arrived at 12:35. Two young guys were there in a sedan that was much too small for the chair. They assured me that they had a friend with a truck. I let them in and showed them up to the second floor of a house that was totally deserted -- except for that chair. They liked it. They didn't even sit in it. They managed to get it down the stairs and out the side door. I left my keys next to the stove in the first-floor kitchen. When I drove away, the two guys were waiting for their friend with the truck. Rhodry and I are now officially West Tisbury residents.


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