Susanna J. Sturgis   Martha's Vineyard writer and editor
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What Really Happened to the Cabin Boy

May 19, 2009

This won't make any sense if you haven't read yesterday's blog about the Golden Vanity (that's the ship) and "The Golden Vanity" (that's the song), so scroll down or click back or tell your browser to do what needs to be done so you can read it.

None of the "Golden Vanity" versions I've heard have mentioned a dog. Clearly the record was incomplete, and as usual it has taken a member of the neglected group to rectify the situation. Jess Noonan, a correspondent of the late Rhodry Malamutt and a mentor to the current Fellow Traveller, has contributed these verses. When your captain proves false and your messmates less than bold, your dog will stick by you and show you a way out. Sing on!

Well his messmates pulled him up but on the deck he died
And they placed him in his hammock, which was so fair and wide
And they lowered him down, and over the port side
And he sank into the lowland, lo
He sank into the lowland sea

Well his messmates pulled him up and on the deck he lay
And his dog yea close beside him, she was an imp, a fay
And they watched him rise up, and over the mast top
And he flew o'r the wide sea, lo
His dog with him to heaven's sea

Travvy promises to send Jess the next bunny he catches, but since the only bunnies he's caught so far have been dead or dying, this may take a while. Maybe Jess could have a bit of steak, even if it's not his birthday?


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