Susanna J. Sturgis   Martha's Vineyard writer and editor
writer editor born-again horse girl

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December License Plate Report

December 31, 2007

I scored South Dakota, and that wraps the year. The tally for 2007 was 46, exactly the same as for 2006. Five were missing at year's end (I count D.C., so the goal is 51): West Virginia, Arkansas, Alaska, Hawaii, and (you guessed it) North Dakota. Arkansas, Hawaii, and N.D. were repeat offenders. In 2006 I never saw Mississippi or Nebraska. This fall Nebraska's been all over the place, a little black sedan -- in fact, I saw it parked on Circuit Avenue earlier today. It better stick around till I can add it to the January list. D.C. is currently parked in my driveway, so it'll be higher on the 2008 list than it was in 2007: #18.


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