Susanna J. Sturgis   Martha's Vineyard writer and editor
writer editor born-again horse girl

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August License Plate Report

August 31, 2007

Just consulted my 2006 map: in August of last year I added absolutely no new states to the tally. This August the report is much better: Kansas, Louisiana, and Nebraska. I didn't spot Nebraska all last year. After North Dakota it's probably the toughest, neck and neck with Hawaii. A Hawaii plate zipped by me on Barnes Road a couple of weeks ago, but it was on the front of the car and I'm pretty sure the back bumper carried good ol' Massachusetts. That's why only rear plates count in this game.

My favorite sighting of the month, however, wasn't a rare state. I was rolling down Circuit Ave. exactly a week ago, looking for a parking place, when I spotted Connecticut plate VIXEN B. The neat thing was that it was August 24, the birthday of my late friend, the writer and theater editor Lisa A. Barnett, and Vixen is the name of her dog.

So the year-to-date total stands at 43, including D.C. Still missing are (from east to west) West Virginia, Alabama, Arkansas, North and South Dakota, Arizona, Alaska, and Hawaii. Alabama, Arizona, and Alaska usually show up in the course of a year. My usual West Virginia has gone home, and my usual South Dakota hasn't been around this year, but I look every time I drive by his mother's house. Pickings slow down with summer's end, and after the end of September they often dry up completely. It could still turn out to be a pretty good year.


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