Susanna J. Sturgis   Martha's Vineyard writer and editor
writer editor born-again horse girl

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Great Drying Day

October 08, 2010

It's barely 2:30 in the afternoon and already nearly all my laundry is dry and put away: it's a nearly perfect drying day on Martha's Vineyard, bright, sunny, and breezy.

Well, "windy" is more like it. I made several trips out to the deck to pick underwear off the floor and replace it on the drying rack. Each trip meant dislodging Travvy from his spot in front of the door. Finally he gave up and took refuge on my bed.

The clothesline said "early fall" more colorfully than the calendar. Eight T-shirts shared the line with two flannel shirts and a sweatshirt, three pairs of shorts and a sleeveless cotton dress were flapping alongside three pairs of long pants. The odd item was the aqua bandanna I wore to cowboy night at Camp N Pack. I think it enjoyed its escape from the scarf drawer.

A couple of weeks ago I treated myself to three pairs of new hiking socks. I wear my socks till the holes are big enough for toes to stick through or the fabric gets so thin that my boots raise blisters on my heel. What I forget is how comfortable and cushiony brand-new socks are. The three newcomers have survived their first laundry day. Hmm. That old gray pair might need replacing soon . . .


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