Susanna J. Sturgis   Martha's Vineyard writer and editor
writer editor born-again horse girl

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Travvy Done Good

July 22, 2010

This summer we've been meeting for Rally practice at the Ag Hall Thursday evenings at 6:30. Karen sets up a course in the area between the two rings, and we take turns doing the course and working on whatever we need to work on. Tonight it was Karen and Nolan, Val and Toby, Katy and Dundee (with Fergus spectating), and me and Travvy. We practiced, watched and applauded each other, got pointers from Karen, etc., and pretty soon it was time to break down the course and pack up.

I tethered Travvy to a fence post. This gives him just enough room to lie down on his green saddle pad. I leave him with a couple of treats; he keeps an eye on me while I help pick up signs and traffic cones. Earlier Karen had noticed a guy with two loose dogs in the big field on the far side of the Ag Hall. Suddenly one of the two was at the far end of the pulling ring (to one of whose fence posts Travvy was tied) and running in our direction. Trav was between him and us. Owner was way off in the distance. Uh-oh.

I got to Trav about the same time as the other dog -- large, short-haired, brown, probably part Lab -- did. Trav was on his feet, wriggle wriggle, wag wag -- not having the over-the-top reactive meltdown I was afraid of. Other dog seemed friendly, but Trav was in vulnerable position so I got between the two of them and made a big fuss about how good Travvy was. The second dog appeared on the other side of the fence, wanting to meet the big fuzzy guy. Travvy was still fine, excited but under threshold and paying attention to me as well as the other dogs. Finally the owner caught up with his dogs and called them away. I gave Travvy hot dog bits and Charlee Bears (training treats) and told him more about how wonderful he was.

Our comrades were impressed. They all know how reactive Travvy can be, and here he was in a vulnerable position and acting like a mature, self-confident, friendly dog. Yay, Travvy!

Here are two Travvy pictures from earlier this summer.

On sunny days, the shadiest place on the deck is under the table. On really hot days, of which we've had plenty lately, Trav prefers to sprawl on the linoleum at the foot of the inside stairs. He's been sleeping on the deck at night.

Here's Travvy with Mike and Leo. Mike and Leo? you ask. Mike is the green object in Travvy's mouth. Leo is the yellow one attached to it. I put treats inside them, and Trav has a good time figuring out how to get them out. Mike is named after Michelangelo. Leo is named after Leonardo da Vinci. More than that I do not know and so cannot tell. Everyone I tell this to starts chortling and saying stuff like "What were they thinking?"

Shh. That's (top to bottom) Trav, Mike, and Leo. They're great friends.


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