Susanna J. Sturgis   Martha's Vineyard writer and editor
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February License Plate Report

February 28, 2009

Missouri, Michigan, West Virginia, and Nebraska.

Year to date total: 27

In many past years, Nebraska has played hard-to-get, if it showed up at all. But the little black sedan with Nebraska plates was around last year, and maybe even the year before that, so spotting it as the shortest month drew to a close wasn't that big a deal. West Virginia, however, in February? That's worth a toot or two. Earlier this week I headed down to Mosher's, the camera shop, thinking a case for my new camera would be a good idea. Rolling down Main Street looking for a parking place, I spotted, or thought I spotted, "Wild, Wonderful . . ." but the plate was partly obscured by its frame so I wasn't sure. I circled around, Church Street to Franklin and back by Spring, and crept down the block, paying very close attention. West Virginia it was. On Main Street. In February.

Tuesday morning, while I was in the M.V. Times newsroom placing Rhodry's memorial ad, Don, my mentor in the license plate game, sauntered over from the sports desk. "I don't know if you're still playing that ridiculous game," he began, "but Joanie saw North Dakota the other day." Joanie is his wife. She doesn't play the game, but her IDs are drop-dead reliable. Seems to me that she gave advance warning of the last North Dakota sighting, which was so long ago it might have been the last century. Don and I aren't as zealous as we used to be; if we were, we'd be camped out at the ferry dock, waiting to catch North Dakota before it headed west. Waiting till June if need be. Instead we're going about our usual routines but keeping our eyes open. If we spot North Dakota, we'll believe it.


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