Susanna J. Sturgis   Martha's Vineyard writer and editor
writer editor born-again horse girl

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Dog Helps Those Who Help Themselves (by Travvy)

November 21, 2008

Today we went to the horse and dog store. When Susanna came back to the truck, she smelled like treats -- big bone treats! I sniffed and sniffed. She said, "You have a very good nose, Travvy, but the bones are in my backpack, and my backpack is in the truck bed. Ha ha ha!" Then we went to the barn. I was a very good puppy. We went for a ride in the dark. Susanna said, "It is a good thing you have a white face and white legs, Travvy, because otherwise I could not see you at all." I can see Susanna but she cannot see me!

Then we went to our house. I had my supper and Susanna gave me a cow toe with cheese in it. It was very good but it was not very big. Susanna stood at the counter and chopped things. Some of them fell on the floor and I ate them. They were good but there were not very many. The backpack was on a chair. Susanna was very busy chopping and stirring. I looked in the backpack and there were two big bones. I went to Susanna's desk and one of the bones came with me. I was very quiet but then I had to peel the skin off and that made a noise. Susanna came. She said, "Travvy, you are an imp!" She said, "Drop it, Travvy." I did not want to drop it. It still had the skin on! Susanna said, "DROP IT, TRAVVY!" Uh-oh. I made myself look very little and very sad. I dropped the bone. Susanna said, "Good boy, Travvy!" and gave me a cookie. I like cookies but I like bones better! She put the bone up high where I could not reach it.

I went to the backpack and made the other bone come with me. I was very quiet but Susanna heard me. She can hear better than she can see! She said "DROP IT, TRAVVY!" and gave me another cookie. I chewed on my cow toe and took a nap. Susanna was sitting at her desk and eating her supper. Her supper smelled like sausage and eggs and cheese. It smelled very good. I sat next to her and looked like a very good puppy. Susanna said, "You had your supper, Travvy. I did not eat your supper, so you cannot eat mine." I lay down and went to sleep. Susanna got up to stir the big pot. My ears were not asleep! My nose pushed her supper and it fell on the floor. Susanna yelled, "TRAVVY! YOU BAD DOG!" Humans do not like to eat food on the floor so I cleaned everything up so she did not have to get out the Mealy Monster. Then I curled up and went to sleep.

Your friend,



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