Susanna J. Sturgis   Martha's Vineyard writer and editor
writer editor born-again horse girl

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Welcome, 2006!

January 01, 2006

Do I believe in magic? Some days, yes; other days it's "Magic who?" I do believe that what I do now affects my options 10 minutes from now, 10 days, 10 months, why not 10 years from now? So today I've been trying to shape my options, set the tone, and generally fix the deck for the new year.

I had three McVitie's plain chocolate digestives as an appetizer while my breakfast oatmeal cooked. (Thanks, Wendy!) So far I have resisted the temptation to track down a U.S. source for same and put in a standing order: a case delivered on the first of each month in exchange for my credit-card number?

My credit card has not been idle, however. For a couple of years I've been hankering after a couple of CDs by the wonderful, brilliant English singer-songwriter Pete Morton. Only online source is in the U.K. Unjustifiable indulgence, said the cheap New Englander. It's a matter of survival, says her better self. This morning I logged on to Harbourtown Records and ordered not two, not three, but four Pete Morton CDs, having learned only a few minutes earlier that he had a brand-new one out, Flying an Unknown Flag. I didn't even check the exchange rate.

Then I placed the Ladyslipper Music order that I'd been working out in my head for several days: Janis Ian, Linda Tillery, Sweet Honey in the Rock, and two long-long-time favorites that I only have on LP or tape: Holly Near and Ronnie Gilbert's Lifeline and Jasmine's eponymous debut coupled with its follow-up, Wild Strings.

The message is that without music I'd wither if not out-and-out die and scrimping on life support is rarely wise. Now I'm looking for more ways to sing.

I finished typing one of my greatest hits, the essay "Is this the new thing we're going to have to be politically correct about?," then I proofread it and uploaded it to the Essays & Articles section of this website. Most of the publications and publishers cited in the endnotes are dead, but other than that it sure doesn't seem 20 years old. Should I be depressed or should I be flattered? Whatever, I know I have work to do in the world.

My current FreeCell streak is at 15. I'm not going to push it any further today; blowing even a modest streak would set a bad precedent.

Having accomplished all this, I went to the barn. It's been a raw, dreary, nondescript day, but since I'm trying to stack the deck for 2006, I figured I'd better ride. I had a good one. Saw a few shreds of blue sky before the gray closed in again.

Home again, sipping on a White Russian and noshing on more digestives, I realized that the one thing I haven't done today is a lick of (paid) work. I do like the idea of thumbing my nose at economic necessity; however, even when I don't believe in magic, I do believe in Eris, who doesn't take kindly to being excluded from the party and might think it was funny to set me up for a year where money was spent but no money was earned. So I'm about to do the responsible thing and finish the proofread I'm almost done with. Better the dog on my bed than a wolf at my door.

A joyful and creative new year to all!


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