Susanna J. Sturgis   Martha's Vineyard writer and editor
writer editor born-again horse girl

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December 11, 2008

A couple of weeks ago my quest for warm, waterproof barn gloves (which is nearly continuous, like my search for comfortable, durable, waterproof footwear) led me to the Duluth Trading Co. catalogue. How can you argue with an outfit that headlines a two-page spread "Who gloves you, baby?" Under that head is something that looks suspiciously like a L.L. Bean or Lands' End canvas bag but you know it's not because the heading says "Macho, macho tote," and the copy begins "Not for traipsing off to Martha's Vineyard or carrying quilt supplies . . ." Which is enough to make any outdoorsman wannabe shell out $25 so he can pretend that even though he's traipsing off to Martha's Vineyard, he's not like those other people who traipse off to Martha's Vineyard.

Anyway, I did acquire two pairs of gloves, one regular and one smoker's style, with cutoff fingers and a flip top that turns them into mittens. "Glomitts" is what they're called in Duluth (which is actually in Belleville, Wisconsin, but we won't go there. People who traipse off to Martha's Vineyard on a regular basis better watch where their mouth is). I also acquired a sack of 150 "building boards," which I haven't opened yet but look forward to playing with. And one more impulse buy: a Puplight.

When Trav and I go out at night, I've got a clicker and leash in my right hand, treats (aka small pieces of kibble) in my left. Add a flashlight to the mix and I turn into instant klutz. If only Travvy, who has more paws than I have hands, could carry the flashlight. Some brilliant person had obviously been there, done that -- and come up with the Puplight. It's a little flashlight that can be threaded on a web collar; there's a basic black one included. It works, too. Travvy lights the path, and I don't have to fumble. The other night he slipped his regular collar and went scampering toward my neighbors' house, probably thinking of weaseling his way inside and stealing one of Ava's stuffed animals. Ordinarily loose dog in the dark is not visible to the human eye, but wearing a Puplight? Aha! The escapee was easy to spot and catch.

True, if Trav were left alone with the Puplight, he would crunch it to pieces like a cookie. He's made a couple of attempts, but these days he responds pretty well to "Drop it!"

The temp hit 60 degrees Fahrenheit yesterday, and even though rain was impending, I figured I'd wash Uhura Mazda, who desperately, desperately needed a bath. Trav hung around for a few minutes then went to visit his friend T-beaux the Baileys' yellow Labradoodle. They both smelled like apples when I went to retrieve him. This morning I learned from Ken Bailey, who happened to be home at the time, that Travvy had ingested a rubber glove -- his second. Early this afternoon we were walking the path behind the school and the glove, uh, passed. It, like the first, was yellow. If there's a Golden Gloves award for dogs, Travvy has now got two hands on it. If he does manage to eat the Puplight, maybe we'll be able to see what else he's got in his stomach.


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