Susanna J. Sturgis   Martha's Vineyard writer and editor
writer editor born-again horse girl

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Rain! Serious Rain!

July 25, 2008

There have been drier summers, like the one a few years ago where it didn't rain from June 1 to September 1 and the grass turned brown and crunched underfoot, but rain has been scarce since early June. It's been forecast often enough, but it never materializes. Lately the air has been so saturated that if I could figure a way to wring it out I could probably flood a hayfield.

Night before last a thunderstorm rolled in, bringing a downpour with it. Trav's been sleeping on the deck (with the puppy/kiddie gate up, of course). I made him come in. The downpour didn't last long, but it sure sounded good. Yesterday morning it happened again, and again -- I've logged off and unplugged Morgana V three or four days in the last 36 hours, because the lightning was flashing close enough and long enough to make fried cables seem possible. Travvy stayed out on the deck: hell with sunbathing, he much prefers getting wet. Last night it poured. Drenching, soaking, wonderful rain, all night long.

Despite the overcast, Trav (who spent another night inside) was up around 5. By 5:30 he'd had his breakfast, and I'd gotten dressed, so we went out to inspect the woods. Even in the absence of early sunlight, the greenery glowed. At the construction site next door my boots sunk into the sand, and the scent of fresh-sawn wood hung in the air. Out on the dirt road the puddles were impressive; one was an elongated map of Africa. Overhead it sounded like rain, and my rain slicker was getting wet, but it was just the bare breeze brushing droplets from high leaves to low leaves and down to the ground. Rhodry didn't like going into the bushes when they were wet. Travvy doesn't mind. We walked across the fields behind the West Tisbury School. The little path that cuts back to the main trail was blocked by pine limbs bowed so low with rain and even Travvy had to duck.

It's 8:30 a.m. now and the sky is still pale gray, the air cautious. More rain on the way? Might be. The hay is out growing in the fields. Might have a good second cutting this summer after all.


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