Susanna J. Sturgis   Martha's Vineyard writer and editor
writer editor born-again horse girl

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Five-Month-Old Puppy

July 27, 2008

Trav was batting at raindrops as they rolled down the screen door -- it's pouring down rain again, glory be! Then his current favorite rawhide got stuck under the pneumatic tube that controls the door, and I thought he was going to dig a hole in the jamb to get it free. From where I sit now, he looks mostly white: white legs, white belly, mostly white face and neck. From the top he's dark gray over beige; from the bottom he's white.

He's quite the handsome guy.

He's five months old today, or will be when the clock gets closer to midnight.

Yesterday I was bringing Pernod in from the pasture -- Pernod, you'll remember, is the dog-skittish 17:2-hand Hanoverian who came close to squishing puppy Traveller two months ago -- and Travvy decided to practice his zoomies. Zoomies, also known as the running puppy game, is a dog running in big rapid circles for the sheer joy of running. He hasn't made it into full zoom mode yet, but he's working on it. He fakes left, he fakes right; he looks at me and takes off. Pernod isn't my first choice of a horse to practice zoomies on, and indeed he spooked a bit, while I told Travvy to sshhhhh -- calm down! Not that he knows what I mean, but he was watching for my reaction and it mattered to him that I didn't want to play right this minute.

Early evening day before yesterday I was ready to leave the barn; I called, "Where's Travvy?" but no Travvy showed up. When Rhodry went AWOL, all I had to do to get him back was turn the ignition. Susanna's leaving! and he'd come pelting down the hill or the dirt road or across the pasture from whatever mischief he'd gotten into. I drove down the driveway toward the dirt road. No Travvy. I stopped the truck, set the brake, got out. As I watched, Trav came trotting out of the barn, looked around, and headed toward where the truck should have been. Hmm. It dawned on me that he's used to riding in the truck, and he knows the truck when it's standing still, but I'm not sure he realizes that when the truck is moving, I'm inside it. Has he ever watched the truck move from the outside? We might have to work on that.

Happy five-month-day, Travvy. You're the best, and I'm glad you're my puppy.


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