Susanna J. Sturgis   Martha's Vineyard writer and editor
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Silver Linings

February 22, 2006

We interrupt this week of whining and overworking to bring you glad tidings: a 1,900-word excerpt from The Mud of the Place has been accepted for the second issue of Martha's Vineyard Writing, which is due out in mid-May. I've read from Mud several times, and something like three dozen people have read it in manuscript, but this will be the first time that any of it has appeared in print. Yee-hah to that! Who knows, maybe one of those discerning literary types who supposedly frequents Martha's Vineyard in the summertime will see it and immediately realize that here is the next -- uh, uh, the next . . . That's the problem: I'm afraid I might be the first. Anyway, this discerning literary type sells Mud for a high-five-figure advance, all the trophy houses slide into the sea, and we all live happily ever after.

I can now play "The Veep Went Out in the Texas Light" very slowly on the guitar. This is very cool: the first song I learn to play on the guitar and I wrote the lyrics. It only has three chords -- D, A, and G -- but G isn't for sissies. I'm on my way to being a three-chord wonder! On Monday Steve taught us this bar chord that oughta be outlawed by the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Digits. My first few attempts were pretty funny: I was trying to make my ring finger go where I sent it but it just hung there looking perplexed. After two days both it and my pinky can almost reach their respective strings and my index finger can lie down almost straight on the second fret. It doesn't sound pretty, but it's recognizable as a chord. Sheesh, if I'd known ring fingers could be tortured into unnatural positions, I would have mastered the Vulcan salute.

Hah. It's not too late!

Oh yeah, and my current FreeCell streak stands at 54. Nerves of steel, girl; nerves of steel.


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