Susanna J. Sturgis   Martha's Vineyard writer and editor
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April License Plate Report

April 30, 2009

No sign of that North Dakota, and the month's only tallies came late enough that I wondered if April was going to be a wash. O ye of little faith . . . I thought the car ahead of me had Alabama plates but so much was covered by the license plate holder that I couldn't tell at a distance. The plate holder had "AL" on it, however, so I got as close as I could and yep, it was. The other find was Delaware. YTD total is 31.

I'd swear I saw Tennessee but I didn't write it down at the time and I don't remember enough details to it doesn't count.

Can't wait to see what May brings, along with flowers -- the trees are budding a little earlier this year, thanks to several days of unseasonably warm (close to 80 degrees F) weather we had this past week.


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