Susanna J. Sturgis   Martha's Vineyard writer and editor
writer editor born-again horse girl

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Sponge (mostly by Travvy)

October 09, 2008

Well, it was only a matter of time -- Trav has been hinting and nudging and otherwise trying to point out that he'd like to speak for himself once in a while. He got wind somehow of the MRM, the Malamute Resistance Movement, several of whose members regularly recount their maneuvers and egg each other on on Malamute-L, an e-list I joined last spring. The stories are a hoot, but would I want an officer or noncom of the MRM living under my roof? Travvy can be an imp, but an MRM candidate? Nah . . .

I was reminded, though, by Col. PatsyCline and Master Gunny Sgt. MacDusky of the Texas MRM Marine Recon Division ("SEMPER FIdo!") that ALL Malamutes are members of the MRM -- some just wait longer to declare their membership than others. Or possibly some humans just take longer to catch on. A couple of the older mals on Malamute-L seemed to think Travvy was a bit of a goody four-paws. Fine with me, but not, evidently, with Travvy. I was, he was quite sure, giving a rose-colored impression of him to his peers. So today he posted on his own behalf. Notice that he said nothing about how late yesterday afternoon he went over the hill to visit his friend Tilly, then evidently got bored and went off for a solitary ramble. Allie and I went out looking for him. No luck. Finally he sauntered into the barn, five minutes after I'd called the sheriff's department to report a missing dog. He was very thirsty, and totally mum about where he'd been and what he'd been up to.

This is what he told the MRM:

I found a yellow chew toy on top of the table on my deck. Susanna said, "That is my sponge. I need it to wash the truck. It is not your toy." She took it away and gave me my squeaky bear and a big old bone. I played with them till she went inside then I got the yellow chew toy off the table. I shredded it all over the deck!

Susanna came out. She said, "Travvy, what have you done? That was my sponge!"

Susanna does not like to wash the truck. The truck is very dirty. Now she does not have to wash the truck!

Your friend,



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