Susanna J. Sturgis   Martha's Vineyard writer and editor
writer editor born-again horse girl

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Thar He Blows!

April 25, 2009

Most malamutes and northern breed dogs "blow coat" twice a year. Rhodry's dad, Bear, was a woolly malamute -- he had long guard hairs -- and so was Rhodry. Woollies, it seems, often don't blow all at once like mals with shorter guard hairs; instead they do a "rolling blow," meaning that they shed gradually over a long period of time. Rhodry didn't shed, as in leave clumps of hair all over the house, but some hair would come out whenever I brush-and-combed him. That's how a rolling blow works. Short version is that I had a garbled visual for what blowing coat looks like. My image had Travvy standing out on the deck with most of his undercoat pooled around his paws like dropped pajamas.

Wrong. Travvy is blowing his coat, all right. He walks into the house with a nimbus of hairs floating over his back. My neighbor gave me a dog rake, a friend lent me a Furminator: when I brush one of these along Travvy's back or side or belly, big clumps of off-white undercoat come out. When I damp down the hair in my designated shopping bag, it's still two-thirds full. Lori, Travvy's breeder, spins dog hair. I thought of offering her the bag, then I remembered that she's got at least a dozen dogs blowing coat right this minute. No wonder she spins dog hair.

So yesterday morning I booted up Morgana V, only Windows wouldn't load. What appeared on my screen was straight out of DOS days: a config/system file was missing or corrupt. Fuck. It's barely six weeks since this happened last time. The upside is that I'm getting pretty good at reinstalling goddamn Windows and reloading all my applications. Still, it took about six hours, including time out for a walk with the Travster, during which time I couldn't do much of anything else. Reinstalling software involves multiple reboots. What I discovered is that the time required for a restart is just about equal to the amount of time Travvy will agree to be groomed without too much fidgeting.

Moral of story: When your computer blows, groom your dog.


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