Susanna J. Sturgis   Martha's Vineyard writer and editor
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My Lord, What a Morning!

November 05, 2008

The lyrics I'm singing aren't the traditional ones. I'm not sure where they came from. I learned it from the Seekers' recording way back when, and and hear it in the awesome voice of Judith Durham, most especially:

My Lord what a morning
My Lord what a morning
My Lord what a morning
When the stars begin to fall

You will hear the shout of victory
You will hear the shout of victory
You will hear the shout of victory
When the stars begin to fall

My Lord what a morning
My Lord what a morning
My Lord what a morning
When the stars begin to fall

When the stars begin to fall
When the stars begin to fall

Trav and I took our usual morning walk around the big field at Misty Meadows. I was singing a medley of songs, or lines from songs -- my life really has had the most amazing soundtrack -- and remembering another chilly November morning. 1969. Chilly, hell; it was bloody cold. Standing out on Pennsylvania Avenue, gloveless hands wrapped around a paper cup of coffee, singing Tom Lehrer songs with a few fellow marshals -- and then watching the people begin to pour down the street, eight and ten and twelve abreast, chanting, singing, laughing, carrying signs. And they kept coming, for hours they kept coming, marching on Washington to end the war in Vietnam. It was a major, astonishing, visceral thrill.

This morning is right up there. More, it's the culmination of millions upon millions of steps taken and words spoken by millions of people, feeling our way through the wilderness, eyes on the prize that we could barely imagine.

Yes, we can. Yes.


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