Susanna J. Sturgis   Martha's Vineyard writer and editor
writer editor born-again horse girl

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Writing About Writing

January 19, 2006

Two of my three winter projects are now under way -- in the discovery phase, as I think of it: what I'm laying down at this point isn't a first draft but a brainstorming free-association that will turn up a kernel or two or three for the first draft to coalesce around. It's not the fastest way from start to finish, but it does tend to turn up images and insights that would remain hidden if the editor whip-cracker took control too soon.

The two are the 10-minute (max) play, which seems to be about dogs on the surface and maybe about the war on terrorism a couple of layers down, and the essay or prose poem or whatever it turns out to be about my journey(s) toward home, whatever that is -- by the time I finish, I guess I'll know, right? The unstarted project is the tribute to Gloria Anzaldúa, which I won't start till I've had a chance to reread her Borderlands / La Frontera -- next week, most likely, because I've got an on-site horse-sitting gig from the 21st through the 29th, which means I'll be away from the usual distractions -- Morgana IV in particular. The Anzaldúa essay will explore (she says with a confidence that is probably chimerical) border-crossing and living on the fringes: home. It'll feed off and interact with the journey toward home; with luck and chutzpah the two will sort themselves out without pulling me apart.

Interesting game, writing. Interesting to writers, anyway; anyone else can be forgiven for thinking that the game is boring and that writers are nuts.

How will all this writerly activity affect the bloggery? Damned if I know. Maybe it'll siphon words away from the computer screen. Maybe blogging will be part of the discovery process. Maybe it'll be a coffee break or a DMZ or an online refuge from works in progress. Don't laugh: I've been using writing as a way to avoid writing for so long that it doesn't seem a bit strange.

Guitar class starts next Monday, and this afternoon the five o'clock sky was still glowing with the departed sun. "Life is a daring adventure or nothing" (Helen Keller) say the postcards I just got from Syracuse Cultural Workers. SCW was out of the Women Artists Datebook I wanted, but Ladyslipper still had it in stock -- on sale, no less -- so I ordered one this morning. Life is happening, and I'm ready.


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